Bofa Deez Nuts Candles

Bofa Deez Nuts Candles

Bofa Deez Nuts Candles. Does your house smell like a garbage truck just took a dump in your bathroom?  Does it smell so vile that even the cockroaches are wearing clothespins on their noses? Then you need these.

Bofa Deez Nuts Candles

While we can’t help you with that teenager stinking up your bathroom we can help the smell they leave behind.  

Thanks to the use of not one but Bofa Deez Nuts your house can smell like a rabid french baker decided to take over your kitchen and hold your oven hostage.  While we can’t say that what happens to those innocent bananas is exactly pleasant, some things are for the greater good.  In this case the greater good of your house smelling pleasant and inviting.  So inviting that you won’t be able to wait to invite your friend over.

I would recommend against letting your guests into the kitchen.  That French baker isn’t exactly what you might call pleasant company.  Given that hazelnuts are involved he can get especially rabid, so be sure to keep hands and feet to yourself while you are grabbing snacks from the kitchen. Bofa Deez Nuts Candles

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