MAKE LUNCH COUNT DAY. That is today, and it is one of the most important days of the year. A study shows that 73% of people eat lunch at their desk or place of work every day of the week. The same study showed that those that left their place of work, And went out were 26% happier.
Getting out of the office gives a bit of recharge. It is also a way of not only getting good ole vitamin D; But a bit of exercise. Just the act of walking out the door and going some where for lunch will raise your energy levels. It will also keep you motivated and not feeling tired after you eat. Simply because you had to get up and walk back to your car, and back to you office.
So get out today. MAKE LUNCH COUNT! Go some where and enjoy those tender morsels and delectable bites. Do it with co workers. Have a good conversation and laugh, and carry on. Stop eating at your desk and if this study is as accurate as they claim; You will start to feel better. A bonus is you will have more energy going into the weekend.