NATIONAL BANANA DAY is today. The day that we enjoy this long cylinder yellow sweet tasting on your Tongue fruit. The day to slowly slide it in your mouth and enjoy how all of it’s flavor just fills it up. Or you can just slowly nibble at the tip and slush it around with your Tongue.

Be sure to peal it back gently and expose the head of this awesome big fruit. You can enjoy this with someone else as well. Just stick it in their mouth. Or each of you start on one end and meet in the middle. What woman or some guys don’t enjoy chocolate all over their banana.

Enjoy it with some whip cream on the tip, chocolate in the middle and 2 big round scoops of ice cream at the other end. No matter how you eat it, it is guaranteed to fill you up. And it is very good for you and me as well. Truth is NATIONAL BANANA DAY should be every day. Or as most would agree several times a week.

So get your minds out of the gutter, and get back to eating the big banana.

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