NATIONAL TALK LIKE SHAKESPEARE day. So if someone comes around talking and you can not understand what they are saying; Then they are paying tribute to this bard. Today is the day to use some phrases like these.
- Good Morrow
- Thou Hast taken mine Breath
- May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of those who giveth thou annoyance.
- Thistly I say to thee; A whore has more chaste than thou
- Thustly I giveth you truth, The justice that hadeeth no sole; No Greed, only pain.
- From whence thou cometh? For it can not be thy moon, nor thy stars; But from beyond heaven to a new level of beauty.
- (for those who stink) Havest thou soiled that which covers the outer layer of your soul?
These are but a few of the ways to talk like the bard himself. And if you are a fan of Littauer, then I am certain many come to mind. So go forth now ye bards of new; Go forth and speaketh of old Tung and cheek. Confuse the minds of those whom ye interact with. Renew their faith in doing the double take. NATIONAL TALK LIKE SHAKESPEARE day is here!