SKYNET INVADES YOUR HOME, for real brought to you by Amazon. This drone is designed to fly around in your home when your not at home. It will record video and even ring your phone. That is if it detects something going on.
It will fly a pre set path by you so it says. And you can get one for $249 by invitation only at the time of writing this article(4/4/2022). But having said all of what Amazon basically has said. I have to wonder what it actually does when your not at home. Does it fly the path you set, or what it wants? And considering it launches when it detects noise, what about “those” noises that are personal?
Of course it will broadcast over the internet to your phone, but again who else is watching? And how easily can this thing be hacked? Is the person watching on the other end wanting to break in or collect video for other reasons?
These are the things that I must know, and I’m sure that everyone else wants to know. SKYNET INVADES YOUR HOME, nope not my home.
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