SLAP ECHOED AROUND HOOD, after Will Smith pimped slapped Chris on live TV last night. As a result reports are coming in from around black communities. Black folks are pimp slapping comedians all over. And they are not shooting them, or knocking them out.
In fact they are saying as the slap happens “WILL THIS BITCH”. It’s a new trend that the Oscars has now set forth. This is also the slap herd around the world….
Yes the slap has gone viral past the hood to Russia. As Putin’s chamber maid his done it! and she used the phrase “WILL THIS BITCH!” According to an insider at the home, She did this in response to him being limp.
Comedians everywhere are starting to hire security guards for protection. Tim Allen is looking to hire Rosie O’Donnell. Others are looking to hire famous bands to help keep slappers away from them. Carrot top tried to hire Piff the Magic Dragon. But Piff just blew him off.
Chris has no other course at this time, but to retaliate. Comedians every where are looking to him to settle this and even the score. They want to feel like they are safe. Another local comedian has taken to wearing a football helmet after being slapped this morning.
SLAP ECHOED AROUND HOOD is the newest trend weather Will Smith intended it to be or not remains a mystery. And there are those comedians that say its staged. And that people should just stop slapping other comedians, That it was just a joke. Well the joke is on them as the former rapper has spread the great pimp slap around the world.