Who Will Fight?

Democrats vs Republicans

Who Will Fight?

What would happen if another country invaded the United States,, like what is happening in the Ukraine now?

A recent poll from Quinnipiac University said that 68% of Republicans would stay and fight. And only 40% of Democrats would stay and fight. Then again, 52% of democrats said they would flee vs only 25% of Republicans.


So here is the breakdown as I see it.

The 25% of republicans that would leave are the ones that are priests, ministers, etc. And it is okay if they leave. I’m sure that most of us know how to say a prayer. As for the 52% of democrats that will go, they are the ones that would not be of any help anyway, so let them go.

The 68% of republicans that will stay and fight are almost in my opinion guaranteed to be rednecks who know to hunt and fish. They know camouflage. The 40% of democrats that will stay are the ones that will be standing around with their phones out. Good part to that is we will have lots of footage of good ole standing tall Americans kicking the asses of those dumb enough to invade our country.

Who Will Fight? I think that it is pretty obvious. I mean all you have to do is look around in your day to day real life. Now I’m sure that a few Republicans will have their phones out, but lets face it; they will have it out recording themselves in action. Recording their boot going up the ass of a foe. Taking a selfie with the vanquished.

Some might say Some of those Democrats will fight. Maybe you could get them to be a decoy. Maybe you could get them to plant a bomb and run away. But in actual combat, I’m not sure I would trust them to hold a line.

But of all of those who took the poll, I’m sure that at least 2% lied.

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