” I could hear the dead”

Hanna Borst

Hannas mistake and problem has become a trend in some countries. She had an ear bud cover get lodged in her ear, but did not go to the doctor to get it removed; and understandably so as this happened during the pandemic. Several months later she started hearing voices. At first she thought she was going insane. but soon she figured out that she was talking to her dead aunt.

It soon followed that she was talking to other dead relatives, and ghosts that she did not even know. this went on for months, before she finally remembered the ear bud cover stuck in her ear and went to the doctor to have it removed.

“After it was removed i could no longer hear the dead” Hanna stated. Days later she felt alone, as the pandemic was sill going on, and the lockdowns still in effect. She then did the only thing she could think of… stick another in her ear. And soon the voices came back.

She was elated. She also told other people during zoom chats, and through other social media to do what she did; stick one in their ear and talk to the dead. Ease their loneliness, and spread the word to the elderly and those with out the ability to use social media.

needless to say this has become a trend, talking to the dead. “its better than social media. you can walk around with no one else and have a conversation with someone long gone, that just wants to talk. Someone who is not out to be mean to you.”

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